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Navigation Game

Navigation Game

In Navigation Game, the agent with policy $\pi_i$ aims to move to the same goal that the opponent with $\tau_i$ plans to reach. Note that any action that causes the agent to pass through the obstacles (the grey grids) or to move out of the field is ignored.

Create the environment

from navigation_game.env import *
env = NavigationGame()

Reset the environment to initial state


The will print out the following result


Move the agent

There are five moves to choose from

  • Move.UP
  • Move.RIGHT
  • Move.DOWN
  • Move.LEFT
  • Move.STANDBY

You can check the result by calling again.

The env.step() method will return the following values

(<done>, <reward>, <state>, <actions>)

<done> is a boolean value indicating if the game reaches an end, and <reward> is an integer showing the reward the agent gets.

The <state> return value contains

(agent_x, agent_y, opponent_x, opponent_y)

The <actions> return value contains

(agent_action, opponent_action)

For instance, env.step() could return the following values

(False, -1, (7, 3, 7, 5), (<Move.DOWN: 2>, <Move.UP: 0>))

Change the opponent policy

There are five policies to choose from

  • Opponent.Policy.ONE
  • Opponent.Policy.TWO
  • Opponent.Policy.THREE
  • Opponent.Policy.FOUR
  • Opponent.Policy.FIVE

Set the policy using the following code (env being the NavigationGame environment)

env.opponent.policy = Opponent.Policy.ONE

You will see the following message printing on the console

Opponent policy is Policy.ONE

Change the agent policy

To set a policy, your agent has to be a BprAgent, see BprAgent in navigation_game/

There are five policies to choose from

  • BprAgent.Policy.ONE
  • BprAgent.Policy.TWO
  • BprAgent.Policy.THREE
  • BprAgent.Policy.FOUR
  • BprAgent.Policy.FIVE

Set the policy using the following code (env being the NavigationGame environment)

env.agent.policy = BprAgent.Policy.ONE

You will see the following message printing on the console

BprAgent policy is Policy.ONE