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Symbols and Terminologies

There are some symbols and terminologies used in the paper and this project, we briefly describe them here for reference.


  • $\pi$ (pi): agent policy
  • $\tau$ (tau): opponent policy
  • $\sigma$ (sigma): observation or state
  • $\phi$ (phi): opponent strategy


In the paper, $\phi$ is used to denote opponent strategy indicator, and $\omega$ is used to denote the actual opponent strategy. I.e., when an agent has has a high belief on $\phi_i$, the agent believes the opponent is using $\omega_i$. However, in this project, we use $\phi$ (or phi in the code) to denote both concepts for simplicity.


  • Policy ($\pi$ or $\tau$): a mapping from states ($s$) to actions ($a$ or $o$)
  • Strategy ($\phi$): a mapping from previous observations ($\sigma^{t-1}$) to an opponent’s current policy ($\tau^t$)